Friday, May 17, 2013

?Internet Marketing?: A Byproduct Industry | BrianOwens.Biz

?IM?, ?Making money online?, ?WSO?s?, ?Clickbank Millions?, and all similar genre?s of discussion make up an industry I?ve been apart of since 2006.

If you are apart this world, you know exactly what I?m talking about. It?s a love hate relationship for me, and perhaps you too.

We love our industry guru?s, because they supply our drug of choice: ?Something New?.

Selling information about how to make money online always has, currently is, and probably will be a thriving industry for some time to come.

And you know what, THAT?S OK. There, I said it. A lot of people hate on others for selling information about how to make a living online, because such products can carry several negative connotations, and it?s a cluttered marketplace so finding something truly original or well done is like finding the proverbial ?needle in a hay stack?.

Now, because it IS a hot market (dare I say as good as ?weight loss?, ?dating? or any of the other biggies), a lot of people want in.

If that?s you, GREAT! Welcome to the shark tank.

There?s nothing wrong with selling information to others if it delivers the results they are after.

Our industry NEEDS fresh blood. New innovators who bring products to the table that help us ALL advance.

Which brings me to the point of this random post?.?Internet Marketing? as an industry, is best done by those who enter it as a byproduct of their non ?internet marketing? successful ventures.

So, if you?re looking to be the next IM Guru (sounds like a reality TV show in the making), here?s a few tips for you.

#1 ? Do Something

You know what separates you from other guru?s selling ?how to make money online? products?

Results, Proof, Social Proof from others, Case Studies, and the like.

That?s really the missing ingredient for 99% of the people I?m talking to in this post.

Your ebook/membership/consulting that you are currently offering probably isn?t your problem. Your problem is people don?t believe it?ll help them because you haven?t shown them it has helped you, and others like them.

So, how do you get results?


#2 ? Become an Expert at One Thing

Mark Cuban, owner of the Dallas Mavericks and Billionaire entrepreneur says that entrepreneurs drown in a sea of opportunity. That?s the God?s honest truth!

So the second thing I recommend if you?re looking to become the next industry leader in the IM space, is that you carve out your niche within our market. ?Internet Marketing? isn?t a niche really?You could argue that it?s a niche of ?marketing? in a more broad sense, but within the world we?re talking about ?internet marketing? is more of a MARKET with lots of niches.

Think of a list of marketers who?s list you are on. Now, as soon as their names pop in your head, ask this question: ?What are they an expert about??

If you have an answer immediately, I can bet that guru has a ton of customers, and a large prospect list.

If you have no answer, that person?s customer list is likely much smaller, and chances are they are a good bit less well known.

Now, ask it about yourself?What are YOU the expert at?

#3 ? Figure out who you can MOST help

The IM market is bigger than most people think, and once you?ve completed step #2 above, you should have an idea about how to answer this question.

This will help with the traffic problem?Knowing who your budding entrepreneur (or already successful entrepreneur) is specifically will help you better target people with your offers to help with their unique struggles.

#4 ? What it will probably look like

A.) If you have a business model other people could start following your advice and implement, while simultaneously not shooting yourself in the foot by creating competition, you are in the more broad ?make money? niche. So, you?re targeting anybody not currently happy with their jobs or income.

B.) If you have a way to help people who are already in business make more profits, you can likely charge more money, and easily target prospects. This is you if you?re currently IN that business, or have successfully launched and sold a similar business, or decided to exit for any legit reason to pursue consulting/selling info products.


And knowing that is what it takes to get clear about making a splash in the internet marketing market.




About Brian

I'm an Allspark business designer, and all around pretty chill kind of guy. I advocate doing what you love for a living. When that's not possible (rare), start an online business and get free so you can do what you love doing anyway.


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