Friday, March 29, 2013

Gay marriage case's Edie Windsor: marriage 'magic'

WASHINGTON (AP) ? When Edith Windsor got engaged in the 1960s to the woman who eventually became her wife, she asked for a pin instead of a ring. A ring would have meant awkward questions, she said: Who is he? Where is he? And when do we meet him?

On Wednesday, the 83-year-old stood on the steps of the U.S. Supreme Court, the face of a case that could change how the U.S. government treats married gay couples. She wore a grey pants suit, a pink and orange scarf and her engagement pin, a circle of diamonds.

Windsor, whose wife, Thea Spyer, died in 2009, sued to challenge a $363,000 federal estate tax bill she got after Spyer's death. The pair married in Canada in 2007. Had Windsor been married to a man, she would not have paid any estate tax.

Windsor said the spirit of her partner of 44 years was watching and listening Wednesday, and she called marriage a "magic word."

"For anybody who doesn't understand why we want it and why we need it, OK, it is magic," she told reporters.

Windsor is asking the court to strike down Section 3 of the Defense of Marriage Act, which defines marriage for purposes of federal law as the union of a man and a woman. She said the argument before the court went well.

"I think it went great. I think it went beautifully," she told reporters in front of the court after the argument.

Windsor, who goes by Edie, said public acceptance of gay marriage and gay people has changed since the time when she had to hide behind a pin.

"As we increasingly came out, people saw that we didn't have horns. People learned that we were their kids, and their cousins and their friends," she said.

When the couple's wedding announcement ran in The New York Times in 2007, she said, they received congratulations from hundreds of people, from schoolmates to colleagues.

Plaintiff Edith Windsor waves to supporters outside after arguments in her case against the Defense of Marriage Act at the U.S. Supreme Court in Washington, March 27, 2013. For the second day running,... more? Plaintiff Edith Windsor waves to supporters outside after arguments in her case against the Defense of Marriage Act at the U.S. Supreme Court in Washington, March 27, 2013. For the second day running, the Supreme Court on Wednesday will confront the issue of gay marriage, hearing arguments on a U.S. law that denies federal benefits to legally married same-sex couples. REUTERS/Jonathan Ernst (UNITED STATES - Tags: POLITICS CRIME LAW SOCIETY) less? Even 10 years ago, Windsor said, she would have been "hiding in the closet." But Wednesday she said she was "thrilled and exalted and humbled, very humbled" to be at the court.


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Biological transistor enables computing within living cells

Mar. 28, 2013 ? When Charles Babbage prototyped the first computing machine in the 19th century, he imagined using mechanical gears and latches to control information. ENIAC, the first modern computer developed in the 1940s, used vacuum tubes and electricity. Today, computers use transistors made from highly engineered semiconducting materials to carry out their logical operations.

And now a team of Stanford University bioengineers has taken computing beyond mechanics and electronics into the living realm of biology. In a paper to be published March 28 in Science, the team details a biological transistor made from genetic material -- DNA and RNA -- in place of gears or electrons. The team calls its biological transistor the "transcriptor."

"Transcriptors are the key component behind amplifying genetic logic -- akin to the transistor and electronics," said Jerome Bonnet, PhD, a postdoctoral scholar in bioengineering and the paper's lead author.

The creation of the transcriptor allows engineers to compute inside living cells to record, for instance, when cells have been exposed to certain external stimuli or environmental factors, or even to turn on and off cell reproduction as needed.

"Biological computers can be used to study and reprogram living systems, monitor environments and improve cellular therapeutics," said Drew Endy, PhD, assistant professor of bioengineering and the paper's senior author.

The biological computer

In electronics, a transistor controls the flow of electrons along a circuit. Similarly, in biologics, a transcriptor controls the flow of a specific protein, RNA polymerase, as it travels along a strand of DNA.

"We have repurposed a group of natural proteins, called integrases, to realize digital control over the flow of RNA polymerase along DNA, which in turn allowed us to engineer amplifying genetic logic," said Endy.

Using transcriptors, the team has created what are known in electrical engineering as logic gates that can derive true-false answers to virtually any biochemical question that might be posed within a cell.

They refer to their transcriptor-based logic gates as "Boolean Integrase Logic," or "BIL gates" for short.

Transcriptor-based gates alone do not constitute a computer, but they are the third and final component of a biological computer that could operate within individual living cells.

Despite their outward differences, all modern computers, from ENIAC to Apple, share three basic functions: storing, transmitting and performing logical operations on information.

Last year, Endy and his team made news in delivering the other two core components of a fully functional genetic computer. The first was a type of rewritable digital data storage within DNA. They also developed a mechanism for transmitting genetic information from cell to cell, a sort of biological Internet.

It all adds up to creating a computer inside a living cell.

Boole's gold

Digital logic is often referred to as "Boolean logic," after George Boole, the mathematician who proposed the system in 1854. Today, Boolean logic typically takes the form of 1s and 0s within a computer. Answer true, gate open; answer false, gate closed. Open. Closed. On. Off. 1. 0. It's that basic. But it turns out that with just these simple tools and ways of thinking you can accomplish quite a lot.

"AND" and "OR" are just two of the most basic Boolean logic gates. An "AND" gate, for instance, is "true" when both of its inputs are true -- when "a" and "b" are true. An "OR" gate, on the other hand, is true when either or both of its inputs are true.

In a biological setting, the possibilities for logic are as limitless as in electronics, Bonnet explained. "You could test whether a given cell had been exposed to any number of external stimuli -- the presence of glucose and caffeine, for instance. BIL gates would allow you to make that determination and to store that information so you could easily identify those which had been exposed and which had not," he said.

By the same token, you could tell the cell to start or stop reproducing if certain factors were present. And, by coupling BIL gates with the team's biological Internet, it is possible to communicate genetic information from cell to cell to orchestrate the behavior of a group of cells.

"The potential applications are limited only by the imagination of the researcher," said co-author Monica Ortiz, a PhD candidate in bioengineering who demonstrated autonomous cell-to-cell communication of DNA encoding various BIL gates.

Building a transcriptor

To create transcriptors and logic gates, the team used carefully calibrated combinations of enzymes -- the integrases mentioned earlier -- that control the flow of RNA polymerase along strands of DNA. If this were electronics, DNA is the wire and RNA polymerase is the electron.

"The choice of enzymes is important," Bonnet said. "We have been careful to select enzymes that function in bacteria, fungi, plants and animals, so that bio-computers can be engineered within a variety of organisms."

On the technical side, the transcriptor achieves a key similarity between the biological transistor and its semiconducting cousin: signal amplification.

With transcriptors, a very small change in the expression of an integrase can create a very large change in the expression of any two other genes.

To understand the importance of amplification, consider that the transistor was first conceived as a way to replace expensive, inefficient and unreliable vacuum tubes in the amplification of telephone signals for transcontinental phone calls. Electrical signals traveling along wires get weaker the farther they travel, but if you put an amplifier every so often along the way, you can relay the signal across a great distance. The same would hold in biological systems as signals get transmitted among a group of cells.

"It is a concept similar to transistor radios," said Pakpoom Subsoontorn, a PhD candidate in bioengineering and co-author of the study who developed theoretical models to predict the behavior of BIL gates. "Relatively weak radio waves traveling through the air can get amplified into sound."

Public-domain biotechnology

To bring the age of the biological computer to a much speedier reality, Endy and his team have contributed all of BIL gates to the public domain so that others can immediately harness and improve upon the tools.

"Most of biotechnology has not yet been imagined, let alone made true. By freely sharing important basic tools everyone can work better together," Bonnet said.

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The above story is reprinted from materials provided by Stanford University Medical Center.

Note: Materials may be edited for content and length. For further information, please contact the source cited above.

Journal Reference:

  1. Jerome Bonnet, Peter Yin, Monica E. Ortiz, Pakpoom Subsoontorn, and Drew Endy. Amplifying Genetic Logic Gates. Science, 28 March 2013 DOI: 10.1126/science.1232758

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Disclaimer: Views expressed in this article do not necessarily reflect those of ScienceDaily or its staff.


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What?s new and what?s not for women in war? A Yahoo! News chat

By Martyn Herman LONDON, March 28 (Reuters) - Whether by design, necessity, self-interest or because of all three, nurturing youngsters has become fashionable for England's elite with no expense spared in the hunt for the new Wayne Rooney or Steven Gerrard. The length and breadth of the country, scouts from top clubs are hoovering up promising footballers barely old enough to tie their bootlaces in a bid to unearth the 30 million pounds ($45.40 million) treasures of the future. ...


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Thursday, March 28, 2013

Stressful life events may increase stillbirth risk, study finds

Mar. 27, 2013 ? Pregnant women who experienced financial, emotional, or other personal stress in the year before their delivery had an increased chance of having a stillbirth, say researchers who conducted a National Institutes of Health network study.

Stillbirth is the death of a fetus at 20 or more weeks of pregnancy. According to the National Center for Health Statistics, in 2006, there was one stillbirth for every 167 births.

The researchers asked more than 2,000 women a series of questions, including whether they had lost a job or had a loved one in the hospital in the year before they gave birth.

Whether or not the pregnancy ended in stillbirth, most women reported having experienced at least one stressful life event in the previous year. The researchers found that 83 percent of women who had a stillbirth and 75 percent of women who had a live birth reported a stressful life event. Almost 1 in 5 women with stillbirths and 1 in 10 women with livebirths in this study reported recently experiencing 5 or more stressful life events. This study measured the occurrence of a list of significant life events, and did not include the woman's assessment of how stressful the event was to her.

Women reporting a greater number of stressful events were more likely to have a stillbirth. Two stressful events increased a woman's odds of stillbirth by about 40 percent, the researchers' analysis showed. A woman experiencing five or more stressful events was nearly 2.5 times more likely to have a stillbirth than a woman who had experienced none. Women who reported three or four significant life event factors (financial, emotional, traumatic or partner-related) remained at increased risk for stillbirth after accounting for other stillbirth risk factors, such as sociodemographic characteristics and prior pregnancy history.

Non-Hispanic black women were more likely to report experiencing stressful events than were non-Hispanic white women and Hispanic women. Black women also reported a greater number of stressful events than did their white and Hispanic counterparts. This finding may partly explain why black women have higher rates of stillbirth than non-Hispanic white or Hispanic women, the researchers said.

"We documented how significant stressors are highly prevalent in pregnant women's lives," said study co-author Marian Willinger, Ph.D., acting chief of the Pregnancy and Perinatology Branch of the Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (NICHD), one of two NIH entities funding the research. "This reinforces the need for health care providers to ask expectant mothers about what is going on in their lives, monitor stressful life events and to offer support as part of prenatal care."

The NIH Office of Research in Women's Health also funded the study.

"Because 1 in 5 pregnant women has three or more stressful events in the year leading up to delivery, the potential public health impact of effective interventions could be substantial and help increase the delivery of healthy babies," added lead author Dr. Carol Hogue, Terry Professor of Maternal and Child Health at Emory University's Rollins School of Public Health, Atlanta.

Dr. Willinger collaborated with colleagues at the NICHD and Emory University; Drexel University School of Medicine, Philadelphia; University of Texas Medical Branch at Galveston; Children's Healthcare of Atlanta; Brown University School of Medicine, Providence, R.I.; University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio; University of Utah School of Medicine and Intermountain Healthcare, Salt Lake City; and RTI International, Research Triangle Park, N.C.

Their findings appear in the American Journal of Epidemiology.

The research was conducted by the NICHD-funded Stillbirth Collaborative Research Network (SCRN). The researchers contacted all women delivering a stillbirth as well as a representative portion of women delivering a live birth in defined counties in Georgia, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Texas and Utah. The women were enrolled in the study between 2006 and 2008 in 59 community and research hospitals.

Within 24 hours of either a live birth or a stillbirth delivery, the women in the study were asked about events grouped into four categories: emotional, financial, partner-related and traumatic. They answered yes or no to 13 scenarios, including the following:

  • I moved to a new address.
  • My husband or partner lost his job.
  • I was in a physical fight.
  • Someone very close to me died.

Some of the stressful events were more strongly associated with stillbirth than were others. For example, the risk of stillbirth was highest:

  • for women who had been in a fight (which doubled the chances for stillbirth)
  • if she had heard her partner say he didn't want her to be pregnant
  • if she or her partner had gone to jail in the year before the delivery

"At prenatal visits, screening is common for concerns such as intimate partner violence and depression, but the questions in our study were much more detailed," said co-author Uma Reddy, M.D., M.P.H., also of NICHD. "This is a first step toward cataloguing the effects of stress on the likelihood of stillbirth and, more generally, toward documenting how pregnancy influences a woman's mental health and how pregnancy is influenced by a woman's mental health."

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The above story is reprinted from materials provided by NIH/National Institute of Child Health and Human Development, via EurekAlert!, a service of AAAS.

Note: Materials may be edited for content and length. For further information, please contact the source cited above.

Journal Reference:

  1. C. J. R. Hogue, C. B. Parker, M. Willinger, J. R. Temple, C. M. Bann, R. M. Silver, D. J. Dudley, M. A. Koch, D. R. Coustan, B. J. Stoll, U. M. Reddy, M. W. Varner, G. R. Saade, D. Conway, R. L. Goldenberg. A Population-based Case-Control Study of Stillbirth: The Relationship of Significant Life Events to the Racial Disparity for African Americans. American Journal of Epidemiology, 2013; DOI: 10.1093/aje/kws381

Note: If no author is given, the source is cited instead.

Disclaimer: This article is not intended to provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Views expressed here do not necessarily reflect those of ScienceDaily or its staff.


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Can You Smell Obesity?

According to the latest research, it may be on your breath.

It turns out that obesity may be detectable as a gas, thanks to organisms that inhabit our gut. In a study published in the Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism, researchers extend our knowledge about the hidden universe of the microbes that live within us to show that obesity is associated with certain populations of microbes that give off a distinctive gas.

To be more specific, obesity may smell a lot like?methane, which is to say, like not much at all, since methane in its naturally-occurring state is actually odorless. In the study. Dr. Ruchi Mathur, director of diabetes in the department of medicine at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center, and her colleagues analyzed the breath of 792 men and women of various ages. Mathur focused on detecting methane in the breath, since animal studies found that the presence of a certain family of organisms called archaea, which are older than bacteria and colonize the gut, was linked with weight gain and conveniently released small amounts of methane gas. Mathur also knew from her own work analyzing the gas makeup of the breath from bariatric surgery patients that those releasing higher levels of methane in their breath tended to have a body mass index (BMI) nearly 7 points higher on average than those with lower levels.

(MORE: The Good Bugs: How the Germs in Your Body Keep You Healthy)

And sure enough, Mathur found that among the nearly 800 participants she tested, those with higher levels of methane (3 or more parts per million over 90 minutes) and hydrogen gases (20 or more parts per million) in their breath also tended to be heavier, with a BMI about 2.4 points greater than those with normal levels of the gases and about six percent more body fat on average.

?Our hope is that this is one piece of the complex puzzle that is obesity,? says Mathur, ?and that by identifying people who are obese because they have this microorganism, we can manipulate and work with the gut microbiome to lead to benefits in weight loss in that subgroup.?

(MORE: What Do Gut Bugs Have to Do With High Cholesterol? A Lot)

The culprit, she believes, is a member of archaea known as Methanobrevibacter smithii, which is present in the intestinal tract of about 70% of people, but elevated in about 30%. It?s that smaller group of individuals who might be genetically predisposed to harboring levels of M. smithii that might put them at higher risk of developing obesity. M. smithii harvests hydrogen molecules from neighboring microbes in the gut, which it then transforms into methane gas. The more it scavenges hydrogen from its environment, the more other microbes produce. But all of that activity is focused on extracting energy and nutrients from food, so along with the hydrogen gas, the microbes are also packing in more calories for the host, which can lead to weight gain. It?s also possible, says Mathur, that the release of methane slows the transit of digested food through the intestinal tract, and that could increase the time for additional calories from digested food to be absorbed and added to the body?s tally.

In order for M. smithii to thrive, it needs the hydrogen from surrounding microbes, and that may be why people with higher levels of both hydrogen and methane gases in their breath were heavier than those with elevated levels of methane or hydrogen alone.

(MORE: Skim Milk May Not Lower Obesity Risk Among Children)

So how does this help control the obesity epidemic? For those whose weight gain may be due in part to the activity of M. smithii, controlling the organisms with antibiotics or other medications could slow down the rate at which they pack on the pounds, and these individuals could easily be identified with a relatively simple breath test.

Mathur and her colleagues are also working with the American Diabetes Association to test a group of people with prediabetes who are overweight or obese and have elevated levels of methane in their breath. The researchers will test the participants? glucose tolerance, the time it takes for digested food to transit through the intestinal tract, and the amount of calories in the patients? stool. Then they volunteers will be given an antibiotic to essentially wipe out the population of M. smithii and the same parameters will be measured again, to see if eliminating the microbes will help change the patient?s weight profile and alter their trajectory toward diabetes.

She is also studying a group of children to see how early M. smithii buildup occurs, and how soon in development it starts to set up a pattern of weight gain that might then be interrupted by changing the composition of the gut microbial world. ?From an evolutionary perspective, our relationship with the microorganisms that live in us has basically been symbiotic, and we have evolved together,? she says. ?We?ve had that relationship for millenia, but it is just now being explored and discovered in more detail.? And, when it comes to controlling the obesity epidemic, could lead to the (sweet?) smell of success.

MORE: Americans Are Eating Fewer Calories, So Why Are We Still Obese?


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EBay targets $110 billion of marketplace volume in 2015

By Alistair Barr

SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) - EBay Inc aims to handle $110 billion of sales volume on its marketplace in 2015 by expanding globally, getting more local inventory online and using mobile technology to engage more with shoppers, executives said on Thursday.

The new forecast, made by Devin Wenig, president of eBay's Marketplaces business in North America, compares with Gross Merchandise Volume, or GMV, of $75 billion in 2012.

GMV is a closely watched measure of eBay's performance. Doug Anmuth, an analyst at J.P. Morgan, was expecting 2015 GMV of $101 billion.

After bleeding market share to Inc for years, Chief Executive John Donahoe began a turnaround effort in 2009 that set the Internet commerce company back on track by borrowing from its larger rival's playbook.

He took what was then a muddled auctions website and made it easier for shoppers to buy new items at fixed prices and get more free shipping and returns - essentially mimicking the Amazon experience. He also embraced mobile technology, creating shopping apps for smartphones and tablets that brought in new customers.

But eBay's online marketplace is still growing less than Amazon's and some analysts are concerned its growth may struggle to keep up with the overall expansion of the online retail sector.

On Thursday, Wenig told analysts and investors that the Marketplaces business will deliver "at least" market rates of growth.

"They are saying they have fixed the core marketplace, and they are now positioned to drive incremental growth from local, mobile and global initiatives," said Colin Sebastian, an analyst at R.W. Baird.

CEO Donahoe said that the company would enable $300 billion of commerce in 2015, up 71 percent from $175 billion in 2012.

That forecast includes sales on eBay's online marketplace, payments processed by PayPal and other transactions touched by the company's various businesses, such as GSI Commerce.

"That's one of the ways we will measure our success," Donahoe said during eBay's investor day at its headquarters in Silicon Valley.

To get this done, eBay is focusing on three main sources of potential growth - global expansion, local commerce and mobile applications that it hopes will encourage consumers to shop more on its marketplace and use PayPal more to pay for those purchases.

EBay is aiming to increase sales in emerging markets and BRIC countries - Brazil, Russia, India and China, by four times current levels in three years, Wendy Jones, an executive overseeing the global push, said.

By the end of 2015, as much as 25 percent of eBay active users and over 12 percent of global sales will come from BRIC countries and emerging markets, she added.

EBay's top executives will give other, new three-year financial forecasts later on Thursday.

Expectations run high on Wall Street. Anmuth of J.P. Morgan, is expecting revenue of $21.16 billion in 2015 and earnings of $3.98 per share that year, versus $14 billion and $2.36 a share in 2012.

The analyst is also calling for 2015 PayPal transaction volume of $246.9 billion that year.

(Reporting by Alistair Barr; Editing by Lisa Von Ahn, Tim Dobbyn, and Kenneth Barry)


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Mar 26 (Reuters) - Leading money winners on the 2013 PGATour on Monday (U.S. unless stated): 1. Tiger Woods $3,787,600 2. Brandt Snedeker $2,859,920 3. Matt Kuchar $2,154,500 4. Steve Stricker $1,820,000 5. Phil Mickelson $1,650,260 6. Hunter Mahan $1,553,965 7. John Merrick $1,343,514 8. Dustin Johnson $1,330,507 9. Russell Henley $1,313,280 10. Kevin Streelman $1,310,343 11. Keegan Bradley $1,274,593 12. Charles Howell III $1,256,373 13. Michael Thompson $1,254,669 14. Brian Gay $1,171,721 15. Justin Rose $1,155,550 16. Jason Day $1,115,565 17. Chris Kirk $1,097,053 18. ...


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Police reports in Tucson shooting rampage released

FILE - Emergency personnel attend to a shooting victim outside a shopping center in Tucson, Ariz. in this Saturday, Jan. 8, 2011 file photo taken where U.S. Rep. Gabrielle Giffords, D-Ariz., and others were shot as the congresswoman was meeting with constituents. Hundreds of pages of police reports in the investigation of the Tucson shooting rampage that wounded former Rep. Gabrielle Giffords are being released Wednesday, March 27, 2013 marking the public's first glimpse into documents that authorities have kept private since the attack more than two years ago. (AP Photo/James Palka, File)

FILE - Emergency personnel attend to a shooting victim outside a shopping center in Tucson, Ariz. in this Saturday, Jan. 8, 2011 file photo taken where U.S. Rep. Gabrielle Giffords, D-Ariz., and others were shot as the congresswoman was meeting with constituents. Hundreds of pages of police reports in the investigation of the Tucson shooting rampage that wounded former Rep. Gabrielle Giffords are being released Wednesday, March 27, 2013 marking the public's first glimpse into documents that authorities have kept private since the attack more than two years ago. (AP Photo/James Palka, File)

(AP) ? About 2,700 of pages of police reports in the investigation of the Tucson shooting rampage that wounded former Rep. Gabrielle Giffords were released Wednesday, marking the public's first glimpse into documents that authorities have kept private since the attack more than two years ago.

The Pima County sheriff's department released the records from the January 2011 shooting at a meet-and-greet event outside a grocery store that killed six people and wounded Giffords and 11 others. The documents include transcribed interviews with witnesses, various police reports and other records, and could provide new insight into how the shooting occurred.

News organizations seeking the records were repeatedly denied the documents in the months after the shooting and the arrest of 24-year-old Jared Lee Loughner, who was sentenced in November to seven consecutive life sentences, plus 140 years, after he pleaded guilty to 19 federal charges.

U.S. District Judge Larry Burns had prevented the sheriff's department from releasing the records in response to a request from The Washington Post, ruling in March 2011 that Loughner's right to a fair trial outweighed whatever disclosures might be authorized under state law.

Last month, Burns cleared the way for the release of the records after Star Publishing Company, which publishes the Arizona Daily Star in Tucson, had sought their release. The judge said Loughner's fair-trial rights are no longer on the line now that his criminal case has resolved.

Loughner's guilty plea enabled him to avoid the death sentence. He is serving his sentence at a federal prison medical facility in Springfield, Mo., where he was diagnosed with schizophrenia and forcibly given psychotropic drug treatments.

Arizona's chief federal judge and a 9-year-old girl were among those killed in the rampage. Giffords was left partially blind, with a paralyzed right arm and brain injury. She resigned from Congress last year and has since started, along with her husband, a gun control advocacy group.

The Star said it wanted the records because they contain information about how a mass shooting occurs, including how long it took Loughner to fire gunshots ? an issue raised by some advocates in the debate over high-capacity pistol magazines.

The Tucson newspaper argued that the records are critical in the national debate over whether such shootings could be prevented by armed resistance, whether a mass shooting occurs too quickly to be stopped and whether people with mental illnesses should be prohibited from getting guns.

Phoenix Newspapers Inc., which publishes The Arizona Republic, and KPNX-TV had joined Star Publishing in the latest effort to get the records released.

Associated Press


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National Secular Society - Bradford issues a report on child ...

An attempt is being made in Bradford to safeguard the estimated 9,000 children who attend Muslim religious schools in the city. But the National Secular Society says it is not enough and that a legal framework is urgently needed to control the network of madrassas.

Bradford Council for Mosques, Bradford Safeguarding Children Board, NSPCC, and West Yorkshire Police worked together over the last 12 months to produce Children Do Matter. The study looks at issues including child protection, staff recruitment, bad practice and child abuse.

The usual spin is put on the value of madrassas, the so-called "schools" that indoctrinate children in Islamic teachings (for instance, Kath Tunstall, Strategic Director of Children's Services in Bradford, writes: "Masajid and Madaaris play a significant role in promoting the spiritual and social development of children, enhancing their self-esteem and positive identity.").

But there is no escaping the fact that these institutions are unregulated, secretive and often provide cover for child abuse.

There have been several cases over the last few years that have reached the courts of children being beaten and sexually abused in madrassas and as alarm begins to grow about what is going on behind the closed doors of these places, the Muslim community is gradually coming to realise that it cannot simply disregard the law in relation to the treatment of children.

The report admits that madrassas vary in quality and care ("There is no uniformity or consistency", it says). Some are run in multi-million pound complexes, others in private homes. The teachers are mostly unqualified volunteers. Some give a good quality religious education, others simply force the children to learn the Koran by rote, often using physical punishment to reinforce the indoctrination.

None have any outside regulation.

The report admits: "There is an apparent level of secrecy surrounding the running of Masajid and Madaaris due to negative representations of Muslims and Islam in the media. This is not to suggest that there is anything wrong or sinister about them but this level of 'closeness' does give rise to suspicion and hinders wider community engagement."

It also admits that employment procedures and health and safety considerations are sometimes "minimal": some of these places "tend to be satisfied by a minimalist approach to ensuring proper policies, procedures and practice are in place."

The report also says:

While in some of the larger Madaaris English has become the principle medium of education alongside one of the community languages, such s Arabic, in many other Madaaris teaching is delivered in one of the community languages often by teachers with little or no command of English.

This poses considerable difficulty for children who access mainstream education in English and with very basic or no command of their mother tongue or that of the teacher.

Teachers who have no or very little command of English also tend to have least understanding of safeguarding issues, legal requirements or of the responsibilities that impact on their role. They also tend to practice the traditional methods of teaching/ discipline.

More than often, Faith teachers in Madaaris are employed for their knowledge of the faith and not for their teaching skills.

By and large, there is little provision for teachers to learn and upgrade their teaching, behaviour and class management skills. This is partly due to lack of understanding of the need for such training partly due to lack of knowledge of resources available.

Mohammed Rafiq Sehgal, the senior vice-president of Council For Mosques Bradford and the chairman of its safeguarding working group, said: "The report is an uncompromising and honest account. I hope that messages and suggestion contained in the report will be taken seriously and acted upon by those concerned."

The study was started in 2011, after religious teacher Sabir Hussain, 60, was sentenced to ten weeks in prison for assaulting pupils at the Markazi Jamia Mosque in Lawkholme, Keighley.

The key conclusions of the report include:

  • Religious schools must stipulate the need for Criminal Records Bureau checks.
  • There should be a register of all teachers and others at the schools.
  • Parents should be more involved.
  • Learning should be structured.
  • Women should have greater involvement in the schools.
  • There should be openness to counter prejudiced ideas of secrecy within the schools.

Terry Sanderson, president of the National Secular Society, said: "Reports like this are all very well and I'm sure full of good intentions, but the Muslim community cannot be permitted to go its own way and remain unregulated in areas where others are forced to act within the law. It is not good enough that these 'schools' are allowed to be so secretive and that there is no legal framework in which they must operate. Children are entitled to better than that. It is their safety and their welfare that must come first, not the desire of community leaders to simply indoctrinate them."


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Monday, March 25, 2013

Registered Nurses Association gives awards to 2 St. Michael's nursing leaders

Registered Nurses Association gives awards to 2 St. Michael's nursing leaders [ Back to EurekAlert! ] Public release date: 25-Mar-2013
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Contact: Leslie Shepherd
St. Michael's Hospital

Awards to be presented at RNAO event in April

TORONTO, March 25, 2013--The Registered Nurses Association of Ontario has recognized two St. Michael's nursing leaders for outstanding leadership. Ella Ferris, executive vice-president, programs, and chief nursing and health disciplines executive, received the Leadership Award in Nursing Administration. Heather Campbell, Director, nursing practice and education, received the President's Award for Leadership in Clinical Practice.

"Ella and Heather are leaders in their field," said St. Michael's President Dr. Robert Howard. "They're outstanding assets to our hospital. The fact that St. Michael's came away with not just one, but two of these awards speaks volumes to the professionalism, dedication and excellence of our entire team."

Since joining St. Michael's as a staff nurse in 1972, Ferris has championed nurse-led clinical research, playing a key role in establishing the first nursing research chair at the hospital's Li Ka Shing Knowledge Institute. Ferris also established St. Michael's as an RNAO Best Practice Spotlight Organization, undertaking an unprecedented 17 best practice guidelines to improve patient care.

In less than two years at St. Michael's, Campbell has led the Nursing Practice and Education portfolio through considerable change. Some of her major initiatives have included collaborating with York University to pilot a nurse educator certificate program, and implementing new transfer of accountability guidelines to improve quality patient care. Known as a collaborative leader with an open-door policy, Campbell has been instrumental in ensuring that St.

Michael's nurse practitioners are practising to their full scope.

Ferris and Campbell will receive their awards at the RNAO annual general meeting in Toronto next month.


About St. Michael's Hospital

St Michael's Hospital provides compassionate care to all who enter its doors. The hospital also provides outstanding medical education to future health care professionals in more than 23 academic disciplines. Critical care and trauma, heart disease, neurosurgery, diabetes, cancer care, care of the homeless and global health is among the Hospital's recognized areas of expertise. Through the Keenan Research Centre and the Li Ka Shing International Healthcare Education Center, which make up the Li Ka Shing Knowledge Institute, research and education at St. Michael's Hospital are recognized and make an impact around the world. Founded in 1892, the hospital is fully affiliated with the University of Toronto.

For more information, contact:

Leslie Shepherd
Manager, Media Strategy
Communications and Public Affairs Department
St. Michael's Hospital
Inspired Care. Inspiring Science.

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Registered Nurses Association gives awards to 2 St. Michael's nursing leaders [ Back to EurekAlert! ] Public release date: 25-Mar-2013
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Contact: Leslie Shepherd
St. Michael's Hospital

Awards to be presented at RNAO event in April

TORONTO, March 25, 2013--The Registered Nurses Association of Ontario has recognized two St. Michael's nursing leaders for outstanding leadership. Ella Ferris, executive vice-president, programs, and chief nursing and health disciplines executive, received the Leadership Award in Nursing Administration. Heather Campbell, Director, nursing practice and education, received the President's Award for Leadership in Clinical Practice.

"Ella and Heather are leaders in their field," said St. Michael's President Dr. Robert Howard. "They're outstanding assets to our hospital. The fact that St. Michael's came away with not just one, but two of these awards speaks volumes to the professionalism, dedication and excellence of our entire team."

Since joining St. Michael's as a staff nurse in 1972, Ferris has championed nurse-led clinical research, playing a key role in establishing the first nursing research chair at the hospital's Li Ka Shing Knowledge Institute. Ferris also established St. Michael's as an RNAO Best Practice Spotlight Organization, undertaking an unprecedented 17 best practice guidelines to improve patient care.

In less than two years at St. Michael's, Campbell has led the Nursing Practice and Education portfolio through considerable change. Some of her major initiatives have included collaborating with York University to pilot a nurse educator certificate program, and implementing new transfer of accountability guidelines to improve quality patient care. Known as a collaborative leader with an open-door policy, Campbell has been instrumental in ensuring that St.

Michael's nurse practitioners are practising to their full scope.

Ferris and Campbell will receive their awards at the RNAO annual general meeting in Toronto next month.


About St. Michael's Hospital

St Michael's Hospital provides compassionate care to all who enter its doors. The hospital also provides outstanding medical education to future health care professionals in more than 23 academic disciplines. Critical care and trauma, heart disease, neurosurgery, diabetes, cancer care, care of the homeless and global health is among the Hospital's recognized areas of expertise. Through the Keenan Research Centre and the Li Ka Shing International Healthcare Education Center, which make up the Li Ka Shing Knowledge Institute, research and education at St. Michael's Hospital are recognized and make an impact around the world. Founded in 1892, the hospital is fully affiliated with the University of Toronto.

For more information, contact:

Leslie Shepherd
Manager, Media Strategy
Communications and Public Affairs Department
St. Michael's Hospital
Inspired Care. Inspiring Science.

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AAAS and EurekAlert! are not responsible for the accuracy of news releases posted to EurekAlert! by contributing institutions or for the use of any information through the EurekAlert! system.


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Cyprus deal could spur stocks to new high?

NEW YORK - Stocks could break through to all-time closing highs next week - provided a resolution to the fiscal woes of Cyprus satisfies investors.

The island nation accounts for a fraction of euro zone economic output, and yet the wrangling over a $13 billion bailout package kept markets on edge throughout this past week. The S&P 500 fell for the first time in four weeks, with weakness linked to uncertainty overseas.

The Cypriot ruling party said Friday that it was close to a deal to raise billions of euros in order to secure a bailout from the European Union to avoid a financial meltdown and a potential exit from the euro.

Eurozone leaders have offered the country 10 billion euros on the condition it raises 5.8 billion euros on its own. The rescue plan is smaller in scope than previous bailouts to eurozone members, making investors worry less about a banking collapse and more about the possibility Cyprus would exit the bloc and drop the euro currency.

The worry "is the psychological knock-on effect of the credible possibility of some (country) saying ?Cyprus got out, now they are on their own, they devalued their currency, they don't have to go through austerity,'" said Art Hogan, managing director at Lazard Capital Markets in New York.

"What is going to stop Greece from doing the same thing? And you start a daisy chain."

Similarly, investors had reacted harshly to proposals by European officials to tax depositors - including those protected by depositor insurance - to fund the bailout. That sparked some selling on the idea that such a plan could set a precedent for dealing with other troubled euro zone economies, and set off bank runs across the continent.

Assuming Cyprus's troubles are solved, investors will turn their attention to economic data due during the holiday-shortened week, with equity markets closed on Friday for the Good Friday holiday.

The data will include orders for durable goods orders and pending home sales for February as well as the final reading of fourth-quarter gross domestic product.

But with the trend of economic data showing a slow improvement in the U.S. economy, few negative surprises are expected next week. That could enable the S&P 500 to once again make a run at its all-time closing high of 1,565.15. After all, for all of the worry about Cyprus, the S&P only dipped 0.3 percent this week and the benchmark index remains up more than 9 percent for the year.

"The story doesn't seem to be weakening and domestically it seems to be growing in terms of strength," said Sandy Lincoln, chief market strategist at BMO Asset Management U.S. in Chicago.

"People are looking at a better backdrop, whether it is the jobs data, the GDP data or the consumer stepping up on the retail sales side in spite of fiscal drag."

Stocks could see another boost in the form of quarter-end "window dressing" in which money managers add outperforming stocks to their portfolios.

"You are coming into the end of the quarter, everybody has some great results. You are going to get some window dressing on some of the stocks that are doing well," said Paul Mendelsohn, chief investment strategist at Windham Financial Services in Charlotte, Vermont.

With earnings season several weeks away, only nine S&P 500 companies are expected to report quarterly results next week, including discount retailer Dollar General Corp and video game retailer Gamestop Corp.

Only a few companies released results this week, but they were disconcerting. Oracle Corp, the world's No. 3 software maker, fell well short of revenue expectations. FedEx Corp, the second-largest U.S. package delivery company, cut its forecast for the year.

According to Thomson Reuters data, of the 491 companies in the S&P 500 that have reported quarterly earnings, 69 percent have topped analysts' expectations, compared with 62 percent since 1994 and 65 percent over the past four quarters.

A strong showing next week could push the index past both its record closing high as well as its record intraday high of 1,576.09.

But the index has faced stiff resistance in prior attempts to break the mark, climbing as high as 1,563.62 before losing steam. As more attempts to break the mark fall short, the likelihood of a bigger dip that many analysts have been expecting increases.

"Every time it gets up there, it seems to sell off, so you have to get through that resistance point," Mendelsohn said.

"Once we get through that resistance point that will probably bring more buyers in. If you can't get through it, that will probably encourage some of the sellers a little bit."

Copyright 2013 Thomson Reuters.


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RIT Shows Off Community Photo Project

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Then come back here and refresh the page.

RIT's 28th Community Photo Project, the Big Shot, happened Saturday night at 8:30. The project's focus, the world's largest domed stadium.


In the "before" shot, pictured, you can see the home of the Dallas Cowboys, Cowboys Stadium with all it's lights off for the first time since its construction.


Using a technique they describe as painting with light, about 2,500 volunteers from around the world helped to achieve this final image by aiming their light source at the stadium while R.I.T. photographers shot the photo.

The night-time photograph was shot from a 40 ft. construction lift.


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As Obama Visits The West Bank, Palestinians Reach For Their Tech Startup Future

p3Sitting in Snobar, a cool bar shaded by fir trees in deepest Ramallah, George Khadder is practically thumping the table as he speaks. A Palestinian who has worked in Silicon Valley, he talks passionately about his desire for Palestinian entrepreneurs to control their own destiny. "I came back from Silicon Valley because I believed I could affect change," he tells me. It's a sentiment that has been echoed during President Obama's visit to Israel and the West Bank. This week Obama specifically spoke about programs designed to stimulate the Palestinian technology ecosystem and build bridges with the large and well-developed Israeli tech community. "Over 100 high-tech companies have found a home on the West Bank, which speaks to the talent and entrepreneurial spirit of the Palestinian people," he said. Back in Snobar, you could easily mistake my conversation with a group of tech entrepreneurs to be happening in some hip part of Europe - perhaps a Berlin 'beach' bar by the river Spree. But this is no ordinary party of the world, and these are no run-of-the-mill entrepreneurs shooting the breeze about raising VC or launching a startup.


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Is Florida Really The Sunshine State?

Hello from Florida - The Sunshine State!

We get a lot of rain in Florida, so much rain that I often wonder if we deserve to be called "The Sunshine State" at all. This afternoon we had a storm with all sorts of crazy, sideways rain. It was so thick, and the wind so strong, the rain almost looked like fog rolling in.

For everyone who did not spend their Sunday afternoon in the Sunshine Rain State, I'm going to share our freakish thunderstorm with you:

Thunderstorm On A Sunday Afternoon In Florida Link

It did make for great afternoon reading weather.
Even if a flashlight was needed to see the words.

Do you enjoy afternoon thunderstorms?

Linking up with Unknown Mami's Sundays In My City.


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Facebook Says VoIP Calling Will Be Added To Its Messenger iOS App In The U.K. Today

facebook messengerFacebook is slowly beefing up the capabilities of its Messenger app as it moves to combat the rise of free VoIP apps like Whatsapp, Viber and Line. Today it's taking another baby step by expanding VoIP calling to U.K. users of its iOS app, following its initial test of the feature in Canada in January, which was soon followed by a U.S. rollout.


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Physical illness can trigger depression and vise versa - BKK-Health

When depression strikes ..

when depression strikes doctors usually probe what?s going on in the mind and brain first. But it?s also important to check what?s going on in the body, since certain medical problems are linked to mood disturbances. In fact, medical illnesses ? and medication side effects ? may be behind nearly 10% to 15% of all cases of depression.

It?s not uncommon for a physical illness to trigger depression. Up to half of heart attack survivors and those with cancer report feeling blue, and many are diagnosed with depression. Many people who have diabetes, Parkinson?s and other chronic conditions become depressed.

It works in the other direction, too. Depression can affect the course of a physical disease. Take heart disease ? depression has been linked with slower recovery from a heart attack and an increased risk for future heart trouble.

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Here?s another chicken-or-egg example. Two common thyroid disorders are well known to affect mood. If the thyroid makes too much hormone (hyperthyroidism), manic symptoms can result. If the gland makes too little thyroid hormone (hypothyroidism), exhaustion and depression can appear. Treating thyroid disease can often relieve the mood problems.

The list doesn?t stop there. Other medical conditions associated with mood disorders include certain neurological conditions (multiple sclerosis, Parkinson?s disease, Alzheimer?s), other hormonal imbalances, and some nutritional deficiencies, such as a lack of vitamin B12.

Resource: Harvard Medical School

Depression symptoms in children and teenagers are increasing. Mood swings in teenage years are part of the?development?but if you find the your kids starting to isolate?themselves?from family and friends, it would be advisable to first implement the easy recommendations below before considering using prescribed drugs that eventually just make the situation worse.

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To avoid both, the illness and the depression it is crucial to indulge in a balanced healthy diet on a daily basis and exercise or just simply move at least for 30 min a day, and whenever possible spend at least 15 min outdoors.

The same of course goes for adults too. In Bangkgok especially non working expat?wife?s? single expats and young mothers are prone to underlying depression, that can lead to illness or vise versa.


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Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Hunger strike at Guantanamo after Quran seizures | Morocco World ...

WASHINGTON- March 12, 2013 (AFP)

Detainees at the Guantanamo Bay prison camp are staging a hunger strike to protest the confiscation of personal items, including Qurans, in early February, their lawyers and prison officials said Monday.

?My client and other men have reported that most of the detainees in Camp 6 are on strike, except for a small few who are elderly or sick,? said Pardiss Kebriaei, a New York lawyer representing Ghaleb Al-Bihani, a detainee from Yemen.

Camp 6 houses the majority of the 166 detainees still incarcerated at Guantanamo ? estimated at about 130 men ? who usually don?t pose any disciplinary problems and don?t represent a ?value? in terms of information or a particular risk.

Interviewed by AFP, Robert Durand, director of public affairs for the Joint Task Force Guantanamo, said nine detainees were engaged in hunger strikes, five of whom were being fed through tubes inserted into their stomachs.

However, he indicated that ?refusing delivered food does not make a detainee a hunger striker, not eating does.?

?Detainees or an entire cell block may refuse to take any of the fresh, hot meals delivered, but we observe them eating from the ample amounts of food they have in the cell block,? he added.

According to Kebriaei, her client ? on hunger strike for 30 days ? has ?lost over 20 pounds and has been told by medical personnel that his health is in serious danger as he is also a diabetic.?

Another lawyer, Barry Wingard, said one of his three clients, Kuwaiti Fayez Al-Kandari, lost 12 kilos (26 pounds) in three and a half weeks. All three were on hunger strike, he added.

Twelve lawyers ? including Kebriaei of the Center for Constitutional Rights ? have sent a letter to the commander of Guantanamo, Rear Admiral John Smith, to denounce ?a matter that appears to be rapidly deteriorating and reaching a potentially critical level.?

?We have received reports of men coughing blood, being hospitalized, losing consciousness, becoming weak and fatigued,? said the letter, a copy of which was obtained by AFP.

?We understand that Arabic interpreters employed by the prison have been searching the men?s Qurans in ways that constitute desecration according to their religious beliefs, and that guards have been disrespectful during prayer times.?

The lawyers called for a quick resolution of the situation, saying ?the practices occurring today threaten to turn back the clock to the worst moments of Guantanamo?s history.?


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Bolivia's Morales recommends coca wine to next Pope

VIENNA (Reuters) - Bolivian President Evo Morales suggested on Monday that the next Pope try wine made from coca leaf, something Bolivians have chewed for centuries and can also be used to make cocaine.

Morales, himself a former coca leaf farmer who has fought to decriminalize its use by indigenous people, sang its praises at a meeting of the U.N. Commission on Narcotic Drugs and said the crop would be part of his country's drive to industrialize.

He recalled how Frenchman Angelo Mariani had won a Vatican gold medal in the 19th century for his coca wine, adding: "I really hope the new Pope, who should be named soon, will also use the wine like Mariani."

Roman Catholic cardinals have assembled in Rome to elect a new Pope in secret voting starting on Tuesday, following the abdication of Pope Benedict last month.

Mariani's tonic wine was prized in his time for its perceived benefits for health and vitality, and was enjoyed by public figures ranging from Queen Victoria to Thomas Edison.

In the 19th century, popes Pius X and Leo XIII enjoyed drinking Mariani wine from coca leaves, which Bolivians traditionally chew as a mild stimulant that reduces hunger and altitude sickness.

Bolivia said in January it had been re-admitted to the U.N. anti-narcotics convention after persuading members to recognize the right of its indigenous people to chew the leaf. Morales thanked the conference for that gesture on Monday.

Coca leaf was declared an illegal narcotic in the 1961 U.N. Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs, along with substances including cocaine, heroin, opium and morphine.

Bolivia is the biggest cocaine producer after fellow South American states Peru and Colombia. But Morales said the coca plant offers health benefits and has many legitimate uses.

"We have mate (tea), we have wine, we have toothpaste, we have many products," he said. "We even use coca in wedding cakes. It is very fashionable now."

(Reporting by Derek Brooks; writing by Michael Shields; editing by Mark Heinrich)


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Stitcher browser plugins for Chrome and Firefox now available

Stitcher browser plugins for Chrome and Firefox now available

Stitcher has lived comfortably on the web since late October, but now the audio streaming experience is expanding its territory with browser plugins. On Chrome, the freshly announced add-on offers quick access to the full-fledged HTML 5 app, while on Firefox it also serves up play and skip buttons to control audio, along with information about what's currently playing. Itching to nab the extension for the web-based Stitcher? Hit the source links below for the downloads.

Filed under:


Source: Stitcher Blog, Chrome Web Store, Firefox Add-ons


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